Posted in Lovely, Mphirrr's Life, Piano, Violin

My Dreams Evaluation after 15 Months (Oct 2013 – Jan 2015)

Before we go to what I have been through for these 15 months, better we take a look first “My 2013 Dreams” that I used for my blog’s background at that time 😉 Here it is.

My 2013 dreams

 Now, let’s do the evaluation *\^o^/* …. I will write it down in a very short story..

1. Be a Great Violinist

After 4 years learning violin in some musical studio and having my 4th grade as violinist, I decided to move to a better place.  I was very confuse at that time, better I stay or quit. But some important reasons have push me and keep telling me to quit. As per November 2014, I was no longer a violin student in that musical studio. After that, I searched and asked my friend to get a recommended music school. For almost 2 months (Nov-Des 2014), I had no idea what would I do with my violin. I felt lost to keep playing and staying in that line. Then, I rarely touched my violins until I got new music school. Yupp, this January is really a new journey for me as violinist. I found Brefcia-Sagezza’s new home 😉 (Brefcia and Sagezza is my violins’ name). But, you know what? because learning is never ending, I started all over my technique and skill because this new music school has their own method on teaching violin. But, no worry, since I want to be a great violinist, I’m ready to go through this new way 😉 … Yipppppiiiieeee *\^o^/* 2015 will gonna be awesome !!

Ow, ya, now, I have 2 violins, Brefcia (right) and Sagezza (left) 🙂 I do love them, My Violins

My Lovely Violins, Brefcia and Sagezza
My Lovely Violins, Brefcia and Sagezza

2. Master the Dutch

Hmmm.. Actually, I started to learn Dutch on September 2012, but I quit after 9 months since that. It was not because I stop loving Dutch. It was because of my full jobs at that time that increasing 2 times from its usual in Semester II of 2013. Very busy and hectic days for almost 6 months -_____-” and I got stress too. Then, this trend was recur again in the end of 2014 -_____-”. Well, I think you already know what’s happened then. My dream’s schedule was so messy. This is also the reason why I stop blogging for 15 months :p. I stop my Dutch lesson, but never forget it. So, in 2015, I want to refresh my Dutch again and start again from zero ;).. Wish me luck !

My Dutch target is included in #My2015Dreams, my 4th monthly target in each month.. *will write about it soon after this :D.

#My2015Dreams, My 4th Monthly Target
#My2015Dreams, My 4th Monthly Target

3. Learning Piano and be a Pianist

In the missing time when I rarely playing violin, I started to learn piano :). Be a pianist is not a new dream of me, but suddenly at that time, I wanna make it real. Maybe because my focus on violin started to fade away. That decision was very unpredictable, just a week.. *whew*.. Then, I bought my very first digital piano which was not so expensive as the upright piano and I named it “Schitterend”, taken from Dutch which is means “Brilliant”. Yeaaayyy.. *\^o^/* finally I got it started and be a pianist.. yuhuuuuu… If I was not getting lost from violin, Schitterend would never be real. I was so excited since I began my piano lesson on 4th November 2014. Well, I’m so in love with Schitterend :p cannot get off my fingers from her *lol*. Okay, hope that 6 months later I can playing a song 😀

This is My Piano, Schitterend 🙂

My Lovely Piano, Schitterend, #4Nov2014

4. Have My Own Coffee Shop

One day I will 😉 Having your very own place means that you can be yourself and be free on doing anything you want, anything you love. I describe it like a “Coffee Shop” where I can enjoying morning sun with a cup of coffee, writing down my dreams, having a little chit chat with lovely one, and starting a day with full of love. Perfect! :p Oh, yes, I am a dreamer ! :p. Actually, I want to have my own business, but not in a short time. I’m giving myself a chance to get more experience as career woman and also time for thinking and trying. Just 5 years, from 2014 until 2019. After that, I hope I can have my own business 🙂 Aamiinnn yaa rabbal’aalamiinnn..

One fine day while I was in Singapore 🙂 It’s lovely.

#4Dec2014, Singapore

5. Love and Flowers

I love arts, colors, creativity, architecture, fashion, design, books, novel, etc. Hmmm.. having 2 times of busy working period in these 2 years made me betray my daily flow line. I prefer work-life balance because I have so many dreams outside my job. If one of it become very hard, then I have to recharge the other one to make it balance. In 2013, I did nothing to my dreams while my job was getting hard. I stressed out. I don’t want it to be happened again. So, in the end of 2014, I convinced myself to give a bigger effort on my dreams. Love and flowers, I want to learn art and fashion, make my own handcrafts, read book more often, try to develop a short story then write a novel, more traveling, meet new people and environment, give more attention to my body, mind & health, go green, etc… So many of them :D. I want to reach and do everything that makes me happier 🙂 Because life’s not meant to be lived in one place.


(image source)

6. My Dream Car

Everybody want to have a car, include me 🙂 but, I won’t buy it just for supporting my life style. I will buy it when I really need it. So, the right time will come in the right place and situation 🙂 Inshaa Allah. I still like Mazda 🙂 He’s gorgeous, right? but nowadays small city car become very interesting. Gonna think about it.

All New Mazda 2

7. Do Sports

Get more healthy ! *\^o^/* yeaayyy… Actually, I started to change my daily food since end of July 2014. Get more healthy foods, vegetables and fruits. I usually have honey lemon shot in the morning, drink infused water of lemon & other fruits and drink smoothies (mixed vegetable and fruits). Every Sunday, if I have time, I go biking with Zestien, my Strida Bike, in car free day event. After doing these for first 2 months, I got slimmer, but actually I’m not on diet. I just change my daily foods into more healthy foods 🙂

This is my Strida Bike, Zestien 🙂 taken from Dutch which is means “Sixteen”, my birth date 😀

My Bike, Zestien, on CFD Jakarta

Well, that’s it 🙂

The purpose of all my dreams above is to reach happiness in me 🙂

Do of what makes you happy 🙂

Live Simply. Dream Big. Be Grateful. Give Love. Laugh Lots 🙂

*Road to  #My2015Dreams

Posted in Aanhalingstekens, Lovely

September, Setahun Lalu..


(image source: here)

Again.. Sepertinya aku mulai ketagihan untuk sharing apapun di twitter ketimbang cerita panjang lebar di blog :p.. Dengan jumlah karakter yang terbatas, yaitu hanya 140 karakter, kadang malah bikin jadi kreatif untuk pilah pilih ide dan kalimat.. gimana caranya biar padet, tapi tetep bisa menyampaikan hal yang dimaksud 😉 and it’s quite fun.. So, waktu itu aku sharing pengalamanku dengan hashtag #setahunlalu , tapi belom selesei ampe akhir karena keburu ngantuk, hahaa.. makanya aku lanjutin aja deh di blog.. enjoy it 😉

#September #SetahunLalu

Nggak berasa udah mw setahun sejak mutusin u/ punya banyak kegiatan baru bahkan menekuni juga kegiatan lama, alias jadi orang sibuk.. 😀 #setahunlalu

ternyata jadi orang sibuk itu ampuh banget buat nglupain hal yg nggak pantas buat dipikirin.. *udah cape hati, masa mau rugi waktu juga* #setahunlalu

Bener-bener perjuangan untuk bisa move up sekaligus bikin cinta sama diri sendiri.. memahami karakter dan keinginan diri sendiri.. #setahunlalu

Juga perjuangan u/ bisa ngejalanin semua kegiatan.. mulai dari working time yg overloadnya parah, latihan biola, bolak-balik Bandung.. #setahunlalu

…les tiap sabtu pagi/malem di hari biasa, maen tenis 2x seminggu, iseng-iseng ikutan komunitas lingkungan gitu, datengin macem-macem acara & pameran, dll.. #setahunlalu

Beuuhh, banyak banget dah klo mu diitung smuanya.. poinnya apa? Itu tuh upaya buat move up & bukti klo diri ini pantas u/ yg lebih baik 🙂 #setahunlalu

Nggak ada pelangi klo nggak ada hujan.. bener banget! semua kesibukan itu disebabkan 1 hal yg nggak akan pernah kulupa, hurt me in the deep.. #setahunlalu

Terkadang memang kita harus ngerasain ‘sakit’ u/ kemudian jadi pribadi yg kuat.. yaa, mungkin ini cara my Rabb menyayangiku :’) #setahunlalu

Aku berusaha menjadi otak kanan saat itu.. spontanitas, just do it, action now and get the different sense demi ngejalanin hal yg beda dan dapetin passion #setahunlalu

Hasilnya bikin jadi cinta diri sendiri, do what I love.. & yg terpenting itu rasa percaya pada diri sendiri, percaya klo kita bisa.. #setahunlalu

Bagaimanapun, hasil yg kudapat melalui proses setahun itu benar-benar membuatku menyadari betapa indahnya proses menggapai mimpi.. Walau sibuk banget, tapi aku menikmatinya 🙂 #setahunlalu

Dan aku merasa lebih ceria dan menjadi pribadi yg lebih baik.. aku merasa aku udah lulus dan siap naik ke level berikutnya.. Sebuah perjalanan yg nggak akan pernah kulupa.. #setahunlalu

Setelah menjalani itu semua setahun, rasanya sekarang perjuangan itu harus kueliminasi sedikit.. capek juga ternyata 😀 pingin lebih fokus ke passion + target + quality time..

Aku ingin memberi ruang untuk diriku sendiri.. benar-benar menikmati prosesnya, bukan hanya sekedar mencapai hasil.. dan aku mulai menemukan “tempat berproses” yg menyenangkan 🙂

Tahun ini, aku ingin sesuatu yg berbeda.. sesuatu yg bisa membuatku nyaman menjadi diriku sendiri dan tentunya membantuku meningkatkan kualitas diri.. belajar bersama..

Oh, God, I’m so excited to learn more and more.. *\^o^/*



Posted in Aanhalingstekens, Lovely, Mphirrr's Life

When It’s Raining


(image source: here)

Maybe because of Jakarta’s weather these few days which is so unpredictable, my post will be around this topic 🙂 “Rain”.. Below is my writing I had on my way out to go to Bandung from Jakarta on Thursday, 11 July 2013, 6 pm 🙂 It was raining.. a very huge rain and I felt a little melancholy, then suddenly I wrote this poem on my twitter account @mphirrr and I put some words in the end.. Enjoy it 🙂

When It’s Raining

This rain show me the truth.. I have to realize that my hope is too high.. I can’t reach your dreams ’cause you’re still there.. #poem

You’re still there, waiting for something else. The big different I denied before, making me to choose just one thing. It’s going hard. #poem

and everything will not be the same.. makes me sad like I were the only one here.. alone.. waiting for nothing.. turning grey.. #poem

That sunshine I got really made me happy, but now I have to put it back to its place. Hard, tears, like throwing away my precious feeling.. #poem

and that moonlight I gave to you will never move you from that place.. ’cause you’re still there, waiting for something else.. Again.. #poem

You’ll always back to that place even in a snow, even in a storm.. That place which is always be.. The place I can’t reach.. Silent. #poem

and the blue message I have sent to you is in your hand, but you never open it.. Still there, still in your hand, then what I should be? #poem

My dreams & hopes will never catch you in that place.. It’s always be the same even if I choose to stay, even if I say I won’t leave #poem

’cause you’re still there.. in that place.. waiting for something else.. and when you realize, maybe I’m not there anymore.. Realize. #poem

Then it’s raining again..
Bring back our story..
Bring back that moment..
Bring back that hopes..

All memories I have always remind me of your way.. always remind me of that hopes, inside you.. Rain makes it gently, softly..

but still, this rain also reminds me that you’re still there.. that you’ll might never leave that place.. not now.. makes me nothing..

before I let these memories go away..
before I truly leave it..
please realize that blue message in your hand..

Open it.. then you’ll find me..


Posted in Islam, Lovely, Mphirrr's Life

Ya Rabb-ku.. Hanya kepada-Mu aku bergantung..

(image source: here)

Sedikit berbagi tausyah dari twitternya Salim A. Fillah @salimafillah ..Alhamdulillah dapat penyegaran 🙂 udah lama nggak berbagi mengenai Islam.. Insya Allah sehabis kajian atau ta’lim gitu, pingin banget bisa berbagi di sini.. Semoga bermanfaat yaa buat semua.. 🙂 recharge lagi ruhiyahnya, kuatkan dan dekatkan lagi diri ini pada Sang Pencipta, Allah Subhanahuwata’ala.. yakin pada ketetapan-Nya.. yakin bahwa segala yang terjadi pada diri kita adalah proses menjadikan diri kita lebih baik lagi ke depannya.. proses menjadikan diri kita lebih kuat menghadapi masalah kehidupan.. yakin bahwa yang terjadi pada diri kita adalah yang terbaik untuk kita.. because Allah Subhanahuwata’ala always love us 😉

“Hanya pada Allah kuadukan susah & sedihku”; Dia Maha Dekat, Dia Maha Menyimak, Dia Menjawab Doa, Dia Maha Pengasih, Dia Maha Penyayang..

“Hanya pada Allah kuadukan susah & sedihku”; dengan namaNya aku berpetang & berpagi, berdiam & berlari; dengan asmaNya jua aku hidup & mati.

“Hanya pada Allah kuadukan susah & sedihku”; Dia yang menambah-lipatkan nikmat jika aku bersyukur, Dia yang menutup aib jika aku bermaksiat.

“Hanya pada Allah kuadukan susah & sedihku”; Dia tunda siksa atas dosa & sabar menanti taubat ini; dariNya aku berasal & padaNya ku kembali.

“Hanya pada Allah kuadukan susah & sedihku”; Dialah yang menuliskan ketetapan bagiku, Dialah yang menguji tanpa melampaui batas kemampuanku.

“Hanya pada Allah kuadukan susah & sedihku”; kehilanganku tak seberapa dibanding pemberianNya, musibahku tiada arti dibandingkan nikmatNya.

“Hanya pada Allah kuadukan susah & sedihku”; yang menimpakan cobaan sebagai tanda cinta, agar tiada yang lebih besar di hati ini selain Dia.

“Hanya pada Allah kuadukan susah & sedihku”; tiada madharat & manfaat walau semua makhluq berhimpun tuk merekayasa, kecuali dengan izinNya.

“Hanya pada Allah kuadukan susah & sedihku”; Dialah yang menjanjikan tiap perih, duka, & kecewa dibalas dengan naik derajat & hapusnya dosa.

“Hanya pada Allah kuadukan susah & sedihku”; Dia memiliki ganti yang lebih baik atas kehilanganku, nikmat yang lebih kekal dari nestapaku.

“Hanya pada Allah kuadukan susah & sedihku”; hingga kuibadahi Dia seakan-akan aku melihatNya; dan teryakin diri bahwa Dia pasti melihatku.

“Hanya pada Allah kuadukan susah & sedihku”; hanya Dia tujuan hidupku & ridhaNya ujung pencarianku; bagiNya takut, harap, cinta, & yakinku.

“Hanya pada Allah kuadukan susah & sedihku”; Dia cukup bagiku, cukup untukku, cukup padaku, cukup atasku. AlhamduliLlahi Rabbil ‘Alamin.


@salimafillah: Berikut 12 tadabbur singkat atas sepotong kalimat mulia dari Yang Maha Perkasa di Surah At Taghabun ayat 11 Shalih(in+at); semoga manfaat 🙂

1) “Tiada satu musibahpun menimpa kecuali dengan izin Allah. Dan barangsiapa beriman kepada Allah; Dia kan menunjuki hatinya..” {QS64:11} #Q

2) “Dan barangsiapa beriman pada Allah; Dia kan menunjuki hatinya”; agar rela pada ketentuan, teguh berkesabaran, & yakin pada ganjaran. #Q

3) “Dan barangsiapa beriman pada Allah; Dia kan menunjuki hatinya”; agar faham yang tertakdir takkan luput; yang bukan jatah tak menimpa. #Q

4) “Dan barangsiapa beriman pada Allah; Dia kan menunjuki hatinya”; hingga yakin bahwa ia dari sisi Allah; lalu hatinya berserah & ridha. #Q

5) “Dan barangsiapa beriman pada Allah; Dia kan menunjuki hatinya”; tuk mengikuti sunnah Nabi & teladan Shalihin dalam sikap & tindaknya. #Q

6) Termasuk qiraah ma’tsurah adalah riwayat ‘Ikrimah yang membaca ayat ini bukan “Yahdi Qalbah” melainkan “Yahda’ Qalbuh”. MasyaaLlah:) #Q

7) Maknanya menjadi, “Dan barangsiapa beriman kepada Allah; hatinya menjadi damai & tentram”; ajaib urusannya sebab jadi baik senantiasa. #Q

8) “Dan barangsiapa beriman pada Allah; hatinya menjadi damai & tentram”; syukurnya dalam nikmat & sabarnya pada musibah selalu memesona. #Q

9) “Dan barangsiapa beriman kepada Allah; hatinya menjadi damai dan tentram”; iman adalah mata yang terbuka mendahului datangnya cahaya. #Q

10) “Dan barangsiapa beriman pada Allah; hatinya menjadi damai & tentram”; yakin bahwa di balik segala yang tertakdir ada hikmah indah. #Q

11) “Dan barangsiapa beriman pada Allah; hatinya menjadi damai & tentram”; cuma tertusuk duripun tergugur dosanya & terangkat derajatnya. #Q

12) “Dan barangsiapa beriman pada Allah; hatinya menjadi damai & tentram”; bertambah taatnya, menguat taqwanya, kian kukuh tawakkalnya. #Q

